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Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.

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Carma! is a bitch!

Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.

"Moneyball" review Brad Pitt

the new baseball film "Moneyball" offers an unconventional take on the sports movie — America's pastime meets Microsoft , essentially — it does boast a heavy hitter in lead actor Brad Pitt, bestselling source material in the Michael Lewis ...

Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.

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Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.

Today's top pub buzz

Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.
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Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum.



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Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum.

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Rick Santorum Pissed About What Comes Up When You Google Rick Santorum

Republican Presidential "candidate" (term used very, very loosely) Rick Santorum is at odds with not only his fellow White House hopefuls, but Google.
Specifically, Rick is far from pleased about the results displayed when people type his name into the search engine. All 12 of those people? So misled!
Hilariously, the first result on a search for his name is not his website, but a fake definition of "santorum," a graphically described sexual act/byproduct.
Rick Santorum Picture
Go Google Rick Santorum right now if you want the definition. We're not going to spell it out here, but let's just say it stinks worse than his poll numbers.
Ironically, more people are undoubtedly doing this now than because they cared about Santorum initially. Maybe you should be thanking them, R-Dog.
The former U.S. Senator attacked Google, going so far as to suggest that if he were a Democrat, the company would rectify this atrocity immediately.
Santorum told Politico in an interview this week that “I suspect if something was up there like that about, say, Joe Biden, they would get rid of it."
He contacted Google directly as well to personally plead his case for altering the search engine results, apparently unaware that's not how it works.
"If you're a responsible business, you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country," he added, delusionally.
"To have a business allow that type of filth to be purveyed through their website or through their system is something that they say they can't handle."
"I suspect that's not true.”
In response, a Google spokesman told CNN in an email, “Google's search results are a reflection of the content and information that is available on the Web."
"Users who want content removed should contact the webmaster of the page directly. Once the webmaster takes the page down from the Web, it will be removed from Google's search results through our usual crawling process."
"We do not remove content from our search results, except in very limited cases such as illegal content and violations of our webmaster guidelines.”
Translation: Go pound sand, Rick.
We'll see if he has anything to say about this at tonight's GOP debate, which is co-sponsored by - you cannot make this stuff up - Google!
Tags:LOL, Politics

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Read more celebrity gossip at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/09/rick-santorum-pissed-about-what-comes-up-when-you-google-rick-sa/#ixzz1YglmillI

Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.

cryer kiss sheen's ass

Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.
Pub BuZZ just a fun place to be... Updates: Currently we're working on adding sub-topics to every author to make it easier to find what you're looking for. If you would like to see more Having Fun at your pub or bar please send us a request. We're aiming to not only have the most, but the best quotes about Having Fun on the web! Check back with us, there are a lot of great new features coming soon.